Pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon
Pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon

Maybe I’m in the minority, but those trials felt like missed opportunities for yet more intense battles to play out. Some of them were rather uneven in the original games and this would have been a perfect opportunity to shake things up. I also wish the developers had taken the time to modify or tweak some of the Captain’s trials. You’re not sure whether a given game mechanic was different before or you’re just remembering it wrong.

Pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon series#

This is one of the problems with playing a series over a couple of decades. Did you know that a Pokemon’s stat growth changes depending on whether or not they fought to earn those levels? Or that it changes depending on what kind of enemies they fight? I promise that if you leave five monsters in your roster to absorb second-hand experience, they will develop into stunted, toothless shadows of the real thing. You get the exp share system in place almost immediately, but the drawbacks quickly reveal themselves. Perhaps I’m in the minority, but this generation seems to lay bare the brutal mechanics beneath that cute exterior. I’ve always had this problem with Pokemon games, but any fan of the series has long since accepted this bizarre send-up to old-school level grinding. Rather, there’s still no convenient way to raise a new Pokémon from start to finish once you’ve completed the main story. This makes the game sound difficult, but that’s not the case. Gardening, surfing, photography, mountain biking and shopping all dull the pain of raising one of these beasts into the remorseless ass-kicking machine you need.

pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon

Unlike other RPGs, these distractions are critical for keeping your mind off the savage grind that lies at the heart of these games. Every successive generation of Pokémon games gives you more and more ways to waste time.

pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon

It sounds cool in theory, but I’d like to see the feature even more fleshed out, if possible.

pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon

Also, you can take photos with your Pokemon. I’m not sure which players needed any extra motivation to explore every corner of the map, but apparently, they’re out there. Some of the additions feel rather unnecessary, such as the totem stickers. “For the most part, the narrative remains intact, though there are some notable additions.”

Pokemon sun and moon 3ds system amazon